About + Toxic // Enemies

Most things about me are already on home so nonetheless I have here as more of a FAQ.

Who is your soulmate and how do you know they're your soulmate?
It was discovered that I share an abnormally close bond to my " soulmate. " Their most common nicknames are on my home page however our bond, although this may seem absurd, is weirdly physical despite having never touched each other before.
How is that possible?
It began when we found out our body temperatures just so happened to be simultaneous. EX: We're both hot and cold at the same time.The next thing that happened almost confirmed we were connected this way...although not ideal, I will use a more friendly example of what happened. We both own cats and it just so happened their cat had scratched them on the side of their wrist on their left hand. They had told me beforehand that their cat was scratching them and ever since they said that I took notice of burning spots on my body...and then finally one horrible burning pain on the exact same spot on my own body. I felt the burning on the side of my left wrist. A little shaken from this, I asked them if their cat had scratched them on that exact area. They said yes, and kind of panicked since they hadn't told me where their cat had scratched them and I was able to tell exactly where it was despite not knowing for sure until it was confirmed by my soulmate.Since then it can be noted we can feel other things such as what we're eating. (Bread will feel slimy for instance...weirdly enough.) How did you learn to speak like a pirate ?
I watched all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies in a week and I'm always constantly looking up pirate terms and trying to get into the rythum. I also listen to ocean songs and sea shanties often and even sing them in pony town sometimes.
So basically- I studied.
Comfort Chatter
I have some comfort characters and maybe it will help if I identify what I'm feeling by their names- so you can ask me who I feel like and I can say who It is!

✭✭✭ Fallen - Shyness, Depressed (Trauma), Tranquility (Talkative), Daydreamy, Neutral

✭✭✭✭ Sorbet Shark / Sorb / - Neutral, Energetic (Talkative), Tranquility (Talkative), Energetic, Daydreamy

I haven't had this kin long enough to determine what emotions take place during their fronting so there may be more emotions to be added to their list.

✭ Cuphead / Cherry / - Simping, Suicidal, Confident

✭✭ Bendy / Splotch / - Depressed, Mischievous, Energetic

✭✭ Naruto / Swirl / - Depressed (Trauma), Mischievous, Energetic (Talkative)

✭ AshFur - Angst (Mad), Jealousy, Destructive / ! CALM ME DOWN ! /

✭ NightCloud - Angst (Sad), Jealousy, Tranquility (Quiet)

✭✭ Cross / X / - Hungry, Confident, Energetic (Talkative), Daydreamy, Simping, Neutral
✭ - Not present as much
✭✭ - Main Comfort
✭✭✭ - Mains Overall
✭✭✭✭ - KINS
Kins I cannot choose and sometimes make me disassociate while I'm speaking as such./ Nickname / Rename /
Toxic/Enemy List
If you are...
Cannibal King
Blue/Blu " Decaying Flowers/Skelechaos " (Pepper/Zel/Minxx/Sparky/❀༄┇ᴡʜɪʀʟ٭ᴡɪɴᴅ ᴄᴏ.ೄྀ)
Peach Picket Fence
or Plumb Skies
Please note you have been blocked and ignored and or tried to be reasoned with due to the following actions which may not apply to multiple people...
ManipulationVictim BlamingThreats (Common, Doxx, and Death)Harm to other people or my friendsSlander to my friends and myselfHarm to my friends due to hazardous talk or action be it cause negative self-talk or suicidal action or intent. (and causing it to show in my friends as a result)Putting me and my friends downGenerally being an asshole towards everyoneFaking Relationships and/or choosing others before everyone else and not paying attention to everyone equally.Lying.Dishonesty of all kinds.Guilt TrippingAttacking me, my friends, or other people.Posing as a threat to the environments me and my friends are present inSlandering myself and my art which I have worked very hard on my entire lifeSpreading drama / rumors about me or my friendsCopying my skins on Pony Town and pretending to be meGenerally exploiting toxic behaviors (EX: Ignoring, insults, favoritism, faking (many things), putting yourselves above everyone else, cutting off a conversation for no reason, invalidation, etc.)Underage Marriage ( This is very stupid and getting married while 18 or under is just proving you're still an arrogant kid who doesn't want to take responsibility and would rather make stupid actions than think things through. ESPECIALLY if you're getting married to someone whom people have said many bad things about and have proven to be true. )
and lastly...
Faking illnesses like OSDD/schizophrenia and either admitting it and not changing or not admitting and speaking rudely towards me when asked to get an official diagnosis.

Please note if your name is on this list that you should not by any means DM me or any of the people connected in our friend list's (which can be seen by going onto my profile and seeing Mutual Friends) Until you have decided to apologize and change your ways to become better, non-violent and non-toxic people. The only people in this list I WILL NOT GUARANTEE A SECOND CHANCE TO IS
Cannibal KingBlue, JaydenOre, Weeb
CK, You are beyond toxic and I don't expect you to change and if you do then it will be a great surprise to me although I still don't take kindly to you speaking shit about the thing that inspired my carrerr.

Lucas, Jayden...Ive tried explaining and reasoning with you two so many times it pains me to think about it.

Lucas I tried to give you a second chance and you broke my trust a second time so you won't be getting another chance from me unless you can prove you've changed completely.
Jayden I will only unblock you until Lucas changes and says it's okay. I didn't hold a grudge against you for being passive-aggressive to me before although you might have with me to which, is unnecessary now, but still- The only thing I have against you, in reality, is that you targeted a suicidal person, lied about not knowing they vented so often and you didn't know they were suicidal, said you had proof which you didn't show because let's face it, you probably don't have it...and also sent me a very, very concerning threat. This also builds on top of many other toxic behaviors I've seen in you and decided to stay quiet about due to not wanting to stir something up as I was certain you could fix them in time, but now I'm not so sure.
Lucas, Jayden, even if you don't do this, I still hold a small fraction of the respect I give to strangers and that is the respect that I wish you well in your lives. Sure you may have damaged my life and many others in my life almost halfway beyond repair...but it could have been much worse and you did take some right courses of action so I can at least give you that. So please, even if you don't forgive me for interrupting your cyberbullying of Silent (Not you Lucas, you're just heavily influenced-) I still wish you both the best life you possibly can have even if it does end up in flames as it most likely could end up in due to the fact that you both are still clearly children and not adults by any means.
Ore, you don't get a second chance. You were literally the first line of attack, you had the more vulgar Insults towards Silent which is absolutely unforgivable, especially since it sparked a trauma response in me and caused me to start crying as I desperately tried to get you and Jayden to stop cyberbullying Silent. It better be a good few years until I hear of you again.
Weeb...Weeb you have done so much psychological pain to Spoon Its literally caused me to hate you just because of how poorly you treat them. Not to mention every time you flirt with them it made them super uncomfortable. As long as Im with Spoon (which I'm assuming will be a long ass time) I need you two separated because my god you were just too much for them and it was starting to affect me due to them being so down all the time simply because of talking to you. Don't contact either of us or try to contact our " boss. "
Blue, goddamn blue... You've done so much fucking harm to us it's absolutely unrefutably unforgivable. To list your mistakes would take an hour due to how many there is... You used every single one of us and I won't stand for that. Don't EVER hurt my friends again.

The goal is to GET RID of the drama- not cause more, so the more you push me to stop " talking " about this, the more you're keeping it moving as most of the time me " talking " is actually me venting or trying to split the good from the bad !

And no, me indirectly saying what you did is not attacking or bad mouthing you, it's me saying the facts of the situation and how it made me feel negatively.
Thank you for reading this. Please note if you are simply an outsider who has read all of this, I advise you not to provoke these people and to simply block and report them (reporting is optional and not needed) The last thing we need is more fights to be caused due to these people as these people will not simply sit down and listen to someone vent about them.

From my experience and others, all these people do is to fight for no reason and stupidly do too. Trying to reason with these people will only get you hurt so please, avoid them at all costs. If you are friends with them (make sure it is the people here and not just someone with a similar or with the same nickname) try to let them down easily although it might end in a fight and an overly impulsive paragraph of hateful words afterward, it will be for the better until these people learn to fix their mistakes and work on getting rid of their red flags as these are defiantly red flags and not just flaws.

No this doesn't mean you have to stop being friends, it simply means putting a break on your relationships until that person is able to detoxify themselves. ( Therapy is recommended for every one of them, although I will not be their therapist. )